Sin Abounds

Sometimes I forget the delicate balance of grace and responsibility.  Paul says “Where sin abounded, grace much more abounded”(Romans 5:20), but then asks the question, “Shall we continue on sinning?  No.  How can you who have died to sin continue to live in it?”  Meaning, God forgave us because of our ignorance, but when you have knowledge you have the responsibility to use it.  David said, “Lord, keep me from deliberate sins.”(Psalm 19:13NLT) The New Testament says that we cannot continue sinning and living by the flesh.  So while it is true God does not hold our sins against us (Psalms 103), we still can leave his grace when we do what we know to be wrong.  And what does the word “hold” mean anyway?  He doesn’t look at the past, he only cares about now.  Remember? Love keeps no account of past wrongs.  But he does want us now and today.  Today is the day of salvation, now the acceptable time (2 Corinthians 6:2).  Salvation is repentance.  The ability to live for God blamelessly.  A righteous man may fall seven times, yet he gets up again.(Proverbs 24:16)

I got sick and remembered how my wife and I prayed and I knew unity worked with brokenness.  This time it didn’t work.  I said “Why?  I have a good attitude towards my wife, we prayed, it should’ve worked.”  Then my wife reminded me in the morning of the haughty attitude I had earlier.  God had been teaching me not to judge others because they are trapped by fear and ignorance and for a moment I completely forgot and did something stupid.  Jesus tells us that if anyone says “Raca (idiot) he is answerable to the Sanhedrin and anyone says ‘You fool’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.” (Matthew 5:22) Just because I know something they don’t doesn’t give me the right to call them idiots.  I get angry when someone teaches my wife (or really anyone for that matter, but specifically her) something completely wrong and it takes me years to make it right again, so I sinned.  I hate lies, but I can’t take it out on the liar, because that lie originated somewhere else than the person.  Satan is the father of lies.(John 8:44)  People are never the enemy, we don’t war against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12)

Make Me!

It’s funny, I’ve heard pastors say that in order to love God, you need to pray that God will help you love him. I guess that makes sense, but I want to provide a little clarity.

When I was a teen I used to pray that God would turn me into a robot. I wanted to be committed to him and do whatever he said without question. The problem with that request though, is that it gets rid of freewill which is a part of God’s design. He will not force us to do anything, he does not manipulate hearts. Manipulation makes you do something you wouldn’t normally want to do. He doesn’t do that. He tries instead to persuade. He will allow us to sin, and do things our own way so that when we see that it doesn’t work we will surrender to his will. If you ask your child to clean their room and he says “Make me” that sounds really disrespectful. That’s not submitting. Same with us.

What you need is knowledge. God wants you to know the truth so that Satan cannot deceive you with a lie. When you know why things happen, you can trust God and not sin.

When we sin it is out of hate. How can you love a person and steal from them? How can you love them and kill them? How can you love and envy saying, “Good for you, glad you got it even though I think I deserve it more.”? That’s bitterness and pride. But when you love, against such there is no law.

We don’t have to work at anything to see God move, but three things we must do always: listen, obey, and love (care).

Salvation is Repentance

For some odd reason we treat God like Satan when it comes to salvation… but sort of in reverse.

With Satan a person would be tempted to sell their soul in order to have wealth on earth.  Christians sell their life to God to have a good afterlife.  It’s like, “Ok, now he’s Lord, I have to do something good and go through crap now because it builds character or whatever.  At least there’s heaven later.”

But Jesus said he came to give life, and that more abundant.(John 10:10)  Meaning here AND there.  We focus on the “Lord” part and think everything comes with a catch and that we are slaves.  Not quite.  God is our Father, and while you obey him like a master, the relationship is completely different.  Jesus said that the Kings of the earth exercise authority over their servants and lord it over them, NOT SO WITH US.  He said that whoever wants to be great must be a servant and slave of all, JUST AS the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:25-28

God loves us and cares for us as a Father, and what he says is not “for the heck of it” but for a purpose and for our benefit.

For some odd reason we keep thinking of this as a transaction.  “You have to repent before you can receive salvation.”  Not quite, it’s more like “Repentance IS salvation”.  You see, because sin is pushing God out, holiness is inviting God in.  Salvation is being saved from God’s wrath by being hidden in him.  So how can you accept God and reject him at the same time?  You can’t receive salvation while remaining in sin because they are complete opposites of each other.(Romans 6:2)  It’s not a catch.  You have to understand what it is.  Heaven is being in God’s presence.  You can have the peace and joy that comes with heaven if you are in Christ.  When you have an understanding of holiness and stop thinking it’s about works, but just trusting God (“The righteous shall live by faith”- Romans 1:17) then it doesn’t seem so impossible.  We fear because we don’t think we have what it takes, but God just wants us to have himself.

This is not to say that every time you sin you lose your salvation; as many have come to believe.  When you pray for salvation you are saying you no longer want to live for yourself and that you want God to guide you and help you love and follow him.  From then on God is in charge of your sanctification and working out all your flaws.  (1 Corinthians 6:11, Hebrews 10:14)


We talk about freewill all the time, but when it comes to taking responsibility we sort of conveniently forget.  I mentioned that blessings and curses are a matter of choice (Deuteronomy 30:19).  Bondage is also a choice.

Romans 6:16 Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey–whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

That Jesus has already set us free when we received salvation?

John 8:34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

I don’t know what to say regarding prayer and bondage.  I believe prayer has power, but I think deliverance comes with wisdom because bondage is caused by fear and lies. We should be able to discern and choose whom to serve.

Romans 8:15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

We’ve been given the ability to cast down imaginations and everything that comes against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)  We’ve been given that sound mind.  We’ve been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).  Jesus has practically restored you to the garden of Eden, BUT you still have that tempter.  You have to crucify that fallen flesh daily.  The way to do that is to mimic Jesus, living on the Word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:3-4)

Entitled vs Entrusted

Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. – Luke 12:48

Many Christians think they are entitled to anything and everything they say “in Jesus’ name”. But Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”(Matthew 10:8)  Meaning when we are given something, there is a purpose. We are not entitled, we are entrusted with gifts.  Remember the parable of the talents.(Matthew 25:14)  God has given us faith, required us to do works and fulfill his purpose.  When we ask for something we don’t ask for others, we aren’t interested in others.  We should be.

If someone gave you a Ferrari, would you neglect oil changes and car washes?  Or would you take care of it and cherish it?  We are not to trample the grace of God underfoot (Hebrews 10:29).  He gave us the ability to overcome sin (Romans 8), to overcome the enemy (Luke 10:19), and to deny that power and subject ourselves to Satan is insane.

When we don’t use what we have, why would God trust us with carnal desires?  We haven’t done squat with his own Spirit.  This is why we don’t even have confidence for little things.  We know something is wrong, but we don’t want the accountability (James 4:2-3)

The Israelites failed constantly because they believed they were God’s chosen people and were entitled.  God chastised them time and time again saying “It was because of your father Abraham that I chose you, his heart and his love for me.  You did nothing to deserve it, and now you do not cherish it because I see you chasing after other gods instead of holding on to me.”   We are entrusted with the Truth.    Cherish it.

New Age


Yoga and martial arts originate from eastern mysticism. Martial arts teaches self-discipline but at the same time fuels your carnal nature. You learn to defend yourself, vindicate yourself, beat someone into submission. Jesus says do not resist an evil person (Matthew 5:39) and God is your vindicator (Psalm 135:14). Even spongebob makes a parody of it in his Flying Dutchman episode watching a new age video with the mantra “the power within”.  Everything is focused on self and self preservation. Jesus, in contrast, speaks of laying down our lives.  
Yoga is mixed in with religion, Hindu I believe, and the positions they teach are supposed to invoke evil spirits to possess you. It’s not just the meditation that’s new age. You can’t just bypass that and do everything else. God says not to flirt with false religion, that’s why when the Israelites went to war they destroyed everyone and everything down to the last child. That nothing satanic would remain. He said that the names of the foreign gods should not even be mentioned. (Exodus 23:13)  This is the doctrine of Balaam.  He tried cursing Israel, but could not, so instead he enticed them to mingle in with those who worshipped foreign gods so they would be the cause of their own destruction. (Numbers 24; 25; 31:16)



Just a warning because the church has been so lax regarding holiness and America has been all about acceptance and toleration that we forget where these practices came from.  Then many churches focus on signs and miracles whilst practicing these things and see demonic manifestations and mistake it for the Holy Spirit.  That sort of thing happens all the time.  That’s actually how Islam and Mormonism came about. Joseph Smith practiced folk magic while loosely holding on to Christianity.
God outlaws divination with Moses (Leviticus 19:26).  Paul warns about seducing spirits (1 Timothy 4:1,Colossians 2:18) .  Many mainstream preachers are getting involved with it, especially the charismatics.  Todd Bentley being one of them focuses on bizarre events, doctrines of angels, and things that are not in, but completely contrary to the Bible. Look at what Revivalist Andrew Strom says regarding the Kundalini.  Some things have even slipped into IHOP and respected religious leaders.


I’ve found that sin is a lack of trust.  I love the way the NLT puts it, “The world’s sin is unbelief in me.”  (John 16:9) If we don’t trust that God will provide, we steal.  If we don’t trust he will protect, we lie.  If we don’t trust his judgment, we envy.  “Abraham believed, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” (Gen 15:6)  “If anything is not in faith, it is sin.” (Romans 14:23)

We try to make room for our faults saying, “Well, I have to build my faith.”  They say that because that’s what it looks like is missing: a greater amount of faith.  Jesus told his disciples that they had “little faith”.  However, that doesn’t make sense when we see that he said “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, move from here to there and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)  He says elsewhere that the mustard seed is the smallest of seeds.(Matthew 13:31-32)  So do we have a smaller amount than the smallest amount?  No.  We choose not to believe consistently.  Jesus basically said, you rarely believe.  They always had their hearts hardened. (Mark 8:17)  We have to guard our hearts and maintain our willingness to yield.

I said a while back on Facebook, and it’s still in my quotes:  When I pray I move something greater than mountains, I’m moving the creator of the mountains.  Which is more difficult to believe:  that you can actually speak and be heard by Almighty God who created everything, or move a mountain that in comparison to God is microscopic?  When you realize that you do not do the work, but God in you, then you can trust God to do the impossible just as much as the insignificant.  It’s not your “faith” that does the work, it’s your willingness to listen and obey God that does the work.(Acts 3:12 & 16)   Did Joshua bring down the walls, or did God?  We either trust God or we don’t, there are no varying degrees of trust.


Sin and Judgment

It is drilled into our brains that God hates sin and so whenever we fall we feel condemned.  We feel as though we deserve to be punished and God is disappointed in us for slipping up.  However, when we look at the man after God’s heart we see things in a better light.  He says, “Lord keep me from deliberate sins, don’t let them overtake me.” (Psalm 19:13)  God doesn’t care about the screw-ups.   David writes in Psalm 51, “You do not desire burnt offerings or I would give them, a broken and contrite heart you will not despise.”  There’s nothing more to offer to try to make it right.  Jesus already made it right with his sacrifice.  All God desires is repentance.

I read not too long ago where a certain city did not accept Jesus and the disciples asked if they should call down fire like Elijah. (Luke 9:54-56)  Jesus said I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.  When Elijah called down fire from heaven it was expelling the evil from among Israel, he made sure the leaven didn’t affect the whole lump.  The New Covenant wasn’t established and they would be easily ensnared without his Spirit in them.  However, when the city rejected Jesus, they weren’t being deceived by another religion they were just a prideful people that needed to be broken.  He told a parable about a tree that did not produce fruit and a man was about ready to cut it down, but someone said nurture it all the more and wait and see.  He allowed them to have a second chance.  Jesus made it possible for hearts to be regenerated and they were at the beginning of Acts.  There were obviously a great number of people that knew of Jesus yet still consented to his death, and then afterward were cut to the heart by the apostles’ preaching. (Acts 2&3)

We have to stop judging others as well as ourselves.

1Corinthians 2:15 The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment

1 Corinthians 4:3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to lightwhat is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.

Lust, Intimacy, and Bitterness (Personal Story)

I don’t write a whole lot about personal experiences on here, or a whole lot of practical things.  Usually they are about changing mindsets and giving understanding rather than instruction.  So, just to peer into my life and what I’ve dealt with I thought I’d write something “real” that may be beneficial to others.  This is rather personal and I’m a little wary of sharing, but I think it’s important that I speak about it because it is so prevalent in and out of marriage, in the church, and even among pastors.

I had dealt with lust since the onset of puberty.  I had looked at a website for game cheats and which also had a men’s channel.  Out of curiosity I clicked it and saw “Babe of the Week”.  They were all either in revealing clothing or censored.  I saw someone comment on them that he wanted more porn.  I thought it was unusual that I would see just as much skin on commercials on daytime television as the pictures I saw there so I wondered what was the big deal.  I got an appreciation for a fuller bust and instead of undressing girls in my head like most guys, I would picture them fully clothed, but larger.  I felt guilty about it, told some people about my problem and they thought it was funny and no big deal.  They said lusting was wanting to have intercourse with a girl that isn’t your wife.  I was fairly sheltered, so I never even had the idea pop in my head.  It still bothered me though because it was still voyeurism.

I thought this problem would go away when I had a girlfriend.  It didn’t.  Then I thought when I got married it would, but it was only a temporary fix.  Since the beginning, after I would look, or read stories, or imagine erotic things, I’d try to block it out and read Ps119 or chapters 6-8 of Romans which both referred to war in the flesh. That didn’t help, trying to have an accountability partner didn’t help, even having a wife didn’t help.  What made it worse was that my wife was in a wheel chair.  I would look at other couples and see how they could embrace each other and walk together or swing at a park or whatever, and wish I could do that with my wife.  Her arms are too rigid and her torso is encased in plastic, she’s constantly sitting and I can’t bend down far enough, I can barely hold her hand while walking.  I’d get depressed and go look at someone on the internet that could flirt or flaunt.  I didn’t want to look at hardcore or anything, but I wanted to see what could be.  It became a security blanket whenever I was stressed. I thought she’d never be healed.  I’ve prayed hours on end, I’ve read books, memorized scripture, worshipped for hours on end, tried to figure out if an exorcism was necessary, use anointing oil, go to healing rooms, etc etc.  I thought my wife would deliver me from lust, but it hasn’t.  I’ve got added frustration that makes me want to find an out.  I want her to give me the comfort, but I see a handicap and have to deal with it and it’s hard not to separate the two.  I so want to just, at least embrace her.  So I get bitter, and she would think I hate her and wonder why would I ever cheat on her.  It wasn’t about her.  I was mad at God.  Mad that He never delivered me, mad that reading all those scriptures never worked, mad that I didn’t exactly get the wedding I had hoped for, or a wife that was physically whole.  I thought He would never fix these things so I would find my own answer.

During this journey I’ve found that we can’t become bitter so as to close ourselves off from God.  That bitterness hurts our relationship with Him and with everyone around us.  I hurt my wife, and unknowingly hurt the women I looked at.  Just found out recently that all if not 99% of women on the internet are a part of human trafficking and held against their will.  I felt hopeless and in return harmed those who already felt hopeless and more alone than I ever was.  So as Jesus said, I cut off the hand that caused me to sin.  My wife installed a web protection program and I entered every possible way I could find someone to lust after.  I blocked Facebook, YouTube, actually all video and image sites and search engines.  I blocked the names of the women I had looked at.  I got rid of the excuse to get on Facebook and linked WordPress to it so I could still write notes.  And I had to repent for the bitterness I held onto.

I still have frustration because I don’t have the healing yet or the answers, but at least I have a wife that cares about me, loves me, doesn’t hold grudges, and respects me.  I can enjoy being in the same room with her, whereas other couples often fight or get irritated.

If you are married and something stands in the way of your intimacy, it’s best to make sure that you can have a release through music or a walk or something.  I would say go straight to prayer, but that doesn’t always get you in a relaxed state.  Once you get into a relaxed state, then pray and ask for the bitterness to be healed and pour out what has been bothering you.  Then I believe God will give you the response you need to work things out with your spouse and you can come to understand one another and then make love and enjoy one another.

Blessing and Cursing

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live – Deuteronomy 30:19

I’ve realized a curse isn’t much more than a negative consequence for disobedience and blessing a positive consequence for obedience. (Deuteronomy 28)  A generational curse is setting up a pattern of rebellion that children follow and pass on from one generation to the next.  Debt is considered a curse that makes you a slave to the lender. (Proverbs 22:7)  Jesus is said to have been made a curse when he hung on the cross. (Galatians 3:13)  He bore the consequences for or disobedience. (Isaiah 53:5)  The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

I was thinking about Abraham and God saying “Blessed is anyone who blesses you and cursed is anyone who curses you.” (Genesis 12:3) I keep thinking that it’s a mystical magical spell placed on somebody by a witch.  But Balaam tried doing that and could help but speak blessings. (Numbers 23)   HOWEVER, when he tempted the nation of Israel and taught them how to serve foreign gods they became cursed. (Revelation 2:14)  Jesus says something about that in the book of Matthew: But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

If you want to be “delivered” from a curse you don’t need to have someone say “The power of Christ compels you.”  Just start doing what God told you to do.  Start showing kindness and compassion to others, avoid debt and instant gratification, listen to those in authority and do not mock them.  Living in blessing requires crucifying the flesh daily.  There’s no shortcut around it.


I do believe that an evil people can try to place a curse on someone that would cause them to become demonically oppressed, but once again you have to allow it in the first place.  If you are walking with God, just like Israel, no one could speak a curse against you and you would have authority over all the power of the enemy because you are submitted to a higher power.